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# watchify-middleware
A simple middleware for watchify which provides a few features for a better development experience:
- suspends the server response so you are never served a stale or empty bundle
- removes the default 600ms delay (left up to the developer to reconfigure)
- emits timing information in a `'log'` event
- (optional) allows for a browser-based error handler (eg: print to DevTools console)
For practical implementations, see [watchify-server]( or [budo](
## Install
npm install watchify-middleware --save
## Example
var watchifyMiddleware = require('watchify-middleware')
var defaultIndex = require('simple-html-index')
var staticUrl = 'bundle.js'
var bundler = browserify('app.js', {
// config for watchify
cache: {},
packageCache: {},
basedir: __dirname
var watchify = watchifyMiddleware(bundler)
var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
if (req.url === '/') {
defaultIndex({ entry: staticUrl }).pipe(res)
} else if (req.url === '/' + staticUrl) {
watchify(req, res)
server.listen(8000, 'localhost', function () {
console.log('Listening on http://localhost:8000/')
For a more complete example, see [example/server.js](example/server.js).
## Usage
#### `middleware = watchifyMiddleware(browserify[, opt])`
Returns a `middleware(req, res)` function from the given `browserify` bundler instance and options:
- `delay` (default 0) a delay to debounce the rebuild, useful for things like git branch switches (where hundreds of files may change at once)
- `errorHandler` (default false) a boolean or function for handling errors
- `initialBundle` (default true) whether to initially bundle and emit `'pending'`
`errorHandler` can be a function that accepts `(err)` parameter and optionally returns the new contents (String|Buffer) of the JavaScript bundle. If `errorHandler` is `true`, it will default to the following:
var stripAnsi = require('strip-ansi')
function defaultErrorHandler (err) {
console.error('%s', err)
var msg = stripAnsi(err.message)
return ';console.error(' + JSON.stringify(msg) + ');'
<sup>(some plugins produce ANSI color codes in error messages)</sup>
Otherwise, it assumes the normal behaviour for error handling (which is typically just an uncaught error event).
#### `emitter = watchifyMiddleware.emitter(browserify[, opt])`
The same as above, except this returns an EventEmitter for handling bundle updates.
##### `emitter.middleware`
The `middleware(req, res)` function for use in your server.
##### `emitter.bundle()`
Triggers a bundle event. Usually should only be called if `initialBundle` is set to false, to trigger the initial bundle.
##### `emitter.on('pending', fn)`
Called when watchify begins its incremental rebuild.
##### `emitter.on('update', fn)`
Called when bundling is finished, with parameter `(contents, rows)`.
`contents` is a Buffer/String of the bundle and `rows` is a list of dependencies that have changed since last update. On first run, this will be an empty array.
##### `emitter.on('log', fn)`
Provides timing and server request logging, passing an `(event)` parameter.
Server request logs look like this:
{ level: 'debug', type: 'request', message: 'bundle (pending|ready)'}
Bundle updates look like this:
{ elapsed: Number, level: 'info', type: 'bundle' }
These events work well with [garnish]( and other ndjson-based tools.
##### `emitter.on('error', fn)`
If `errorHandler` was `fasle`, this will get triggered on bundle errors. If an error handler is being used, this will not get triggered.
##### `emitter.on('bundle-error', fn)`
This will get triggered on bundle errors, regardless of whether `errorHandler` is being used. This can be used to respond to syntax errors, such as showing a stylized notification.
##### `emitter.close()`
Closes the `watchify` instance and stops file watching.
#### `version = watchifyMiddleware.getWatchifyVersion()`
Primarily useful for debugging, this will return the *actual* version number of the `watchify` module being used by `watchify-middleware`.
## running the demo
To run the example, first git clone and install dependencies.
git clone
cd watchify-middleware
npm install
npm start
And open [http://localhost:8000/](http://localhost:8000/). Try making changes to [example/app.js](example/app.js) and you will see timing information in console, and reloading the browser will provide the new bundle.
## License
MIT, see []( for details.