25 lines
927 B

/* See http://www.jshint.com/docs/options */
// Relaxing Options
"asi": true, // allow missing semi-colons
"laxcomma": true, // allow leading commas in multi-line var declarations
"laxbreak": true, // allow improper line breaks
"boss": true, // allow assignments where conditions are expected
"expr": true, // allow expressions where assignments are expected
"loopfunc": true, // allow functions inside of loops
"proto": true, // allow using __proto__
// Enforcing Options
"immed": true, // warn if immediately invoked functions are not wrapped in parenthesis
"newcap": true, // warn if uncapitalised constructor names are used
"regexp": true, // warn on unsafe usage of '.' in regular expressions
"undef": true, // warn when using undeclared variables
"trailing": true, // warn when using trailing whitespace at the end of lines
// Environments
"node" : true