var browserify = require('../'); var fs = require('fs'); var vm = require('vm'); var semver = require('semver'); var test = require('tap').test; test('json', function (t) { t.plan(2); var b = browserify(); b.add(__dirname + '/json/main.js'); b.bundle(function (err, src) { if (err); var c = { ex : function (obj) { t.same(obj, { beep : 'boop', x : 555 }); } }; vm.runInNewContext(src, c); }); }); // This works in Node v10 and up thanks to the JSON superset proposal, which // allows the evil chars in javascript strings. // test('verify evil json', { skip: semver.gte(process.version, 'v10.0.0') }, function(t) { t.plan(1); fs.readFile(__dirname + '/json/evil-chars.json', function(err, data) { if (err); t.throws(function() { vm.runInNewContext('(' + data.toString() + ')'); }); }); }); test('evil json', function (t) { t.plan(2); var b = browserify(); b.add(__dirname + '/json/evil.js'); b.bundle(function (err, src) { if (err); var c = { ex : function (obj) { t.same(obj, { evil : '\u2028\u2029' }); } }; vm.runInNewContext(src, c); }); });