var asdf = require('../../../lib/index'); const { Container, CanvasRenderer, KeyControls, MouseControls, Text, Texture, Sprite } = asdf; // Board Setup const w = 640; const h = 300; const renderer = new CanvasRenderer(w, h); document.querySelector("#board").appendChild(renderer.view); // Setup game variables let dt = 0; let last = 0; let lastShot = 0; let lastSpawn = 0; let spawnSpeed = 1.0; let scoreAmount = 0; let gameOver = false; // Setup game objects const scene = new Container(); // Load game textures const textures = { background: new Texture("./res/images/bg.png"), spaceship: new Texture("./res/images/spaceship.png"), bullet: new Texture("./res/images/bullet.png"), baddie: new Texture("./res/images/baddie.png") } // Spaceship const controls = new KeyControls(); const ship = new Sprite(textures.spaceship); ship.pos.x = 120; ship.pos.y = h / 2 - 16; ship.update = function (dt, t) { const { pos } = this; pos.x += controls.x * dt * 300; pos.y += controls.y * dt * 300; if (pos.x < 0) pos.x = 0; if (pos.x > w - 32) pos.x = w - 32; if (pos.y < 0) pos.y = 0; if (pos.y > h - 32) pos.y = h - 32; } // Bullets const bullets = new Container(); function fireBullet(x, y) { const bullet = new Sprite(textures.bullet); bullet.pos.x = x; bullet.pos.y = y; bullet.update = function (dt, t) { bullet.pos.x += 400 * dt; } bullets.add(bullet); } // Bad guys const baddies = new Container(); function spawnBaddie(x, y, speed) { const baddie = new Sprite(textures.baddie); baddie.pos.x = x; baddie.pos.y = y; baddie.update = function (dt) { this.pos.x += speed * dt; this.pos.y += Math.sin(this.pos.x / 15) * 1; }; baddies.add(baddie); } // Show score const score = new Text(`${scoreAmount}`, { font: "15pt Visitor", fill: "#000000", align: "left" }); score.pos.x = 50; score.pos.y = 15; score.update = function () { if (gameOver) { score.pos.x = w / 2; score.pos.y = (h / 3) * 2; score.text = `Score: ` + `${scoreAmount}`; = "center"; = "24pt Visitor" } else { score.text = `${scoreAmount}`; } } // Gameover function doGameOver() { const gameOverMessage = new Text(`Game Over`, { font: "45pt Visitor", fill: "#000000", align: "center" }); gameOverMessage.pos.x = w / 2; gameOverMessage.pos.y = h / 3; scene.add(gameOverMessage); scene.remove(ship); scene.remove(baddies); scene.remove(bullets); gameOver = true; } // Add game objects scene.add(new Sprite(textures.background)); scene.add(ship); scene.add(bullets); scene.add(baddies); scene.add(score); // Looping Code function loopme(ms) { requestAnimationFrame(loopme); const t = ms / 1000; dt = t - last; last = t; // Game logic code if (controls.action && t - lastShot > 0.15) { lastShot = t; fireBullet(ship.pos.x + 24, ship.pos.y + 10); } // Spawn bad guys if (t - lastSpawn > spawnSpeed) { lastSpawn = t; const speed = -50 - (Math.random() * Math.random() * 100); const position = Math.random() * (h - 24); spawnBaddie(w, position, speed); spawnSpeed = spawnSpeed < 0.05 ? 0.6 : spawnSpeed * 0.97 + 0.001; } // Destroy bullets when they go out of the screen baddies.children.forEach(baddie => { bullets.children.forEach(bullet => { let dx_b = baddie.pos.x + 16 - (bullet.pos.x + 8); let dy_b = baddie.pos.y + 16 - (bullet.pos.y + 8); if (Math.sqrt(dx_b * dx_b + dy_b * dy_b) < 24) { bullet.dead = true; baddie.dead = true; if (!gameOver) { scoreAmount += Math.floor(t); } } if (bullet.pos.x > w + 20) { bullet.dead = true; } }); let dx_s = baddie.pos.x + 16 - (ship.pos.x + 16) let dy_s = baddie.pos.y + 16 - (ship.pos.y + 16) if (Math.sqrt(dx_s * dx_s + dy_s * dy_s) < 32) { if (!gameOver) { doGameOver(); } baddie.dead = true; } if (baddie.pos.x < -32) { if (!gameOver) { doGameOver(); } baddie.dead = true; } }); scene.update(dt, t); renderer.render(scene); } requestAnimationFrame(loopme);