# TI-84_DFPlayer TI-84 Plus with inbuilt MP3 player using an ATtiny85 as a communication bridge. ## Usage - Put the `.ino` file on your MCU of choice, I used an ATtiny 85. - Connect the DFPlayer to the MCU using the Serial port, use pins 0 (RX) and 1 (TX) on the ATtiny 85 - Connect the calculator to the MCU using its serial connection, use pins 4 (TIP) and 3 (RING) on the ATtiny 85 - Power the MCU using an external battery or steal power from the calculators batteries, you will need an external power switch and make a voltage devider - Put music on the DFPlayers SD card - Put DFPlayer.8xp on your calculator to control the DFPlayer - Enjoy!