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\usepackage{amsmath} % \usepackage is a command that allows you to add functionality to your LaTeX code
Single inverted pendulum\\~\
\large{Modeling and Control course}
\author{Arne van Iterson} % Sets authors name
\date{\today} % Sets date for date compiled
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\begin{document} % All begin commands must be paired with an end command somewhere
\maketitle % creates title using information in preamble (title, author, date)
Very interesting Introduction
\begin{multicols}{2} % creates two columns
% Theory
The system that will be discussed in this paper is a single inverted pendulum. Common implementations of this system include a cart, this is not the case in this paper.
\caption{Segway\textsuperscript{\tiny\textregistered} in use}
A practical example of this system is a Segway\textsuperscript{\tiny\textregistered} (figure \ref{fig:segway}). The system is inherently unstable, meaning that if the pendulum is not controlled, it will fall over.
% Hardware setup
To simplify hardware design, the system will be built and run on a LEGO\textsuperscript{\tiny\textregistered} Mindstorms EV3 development kit. The programmable brick itself, which will be referred to as "EV3", runs a Linux distribution known as ev3dev. Ev3dev allows for various programming languages to be used including Python and C. Both of which will be further explained later.
To reproduce the robot in Figure \ref{fig:balancer}, please refer to the building instructions in the appendix.
\caption{Balancing robot}
\end {multicols}
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