Added display grid and array structure

This commit is contained in:
Arne van Iterson 2023-12-06 17:11:22 +01:00
parent 7ab9feb3fb
commit e4b327ddcf
3 changed files with 134 additions and 62 deletions

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@ -5,10 +5,11 @@ import random
# Constants
C_GRAVITY = 9.81 # m/s^2
C_MTPRATIO = 100 # Pixels per meter
C_MTPRATIO = 100 # Pixels per meter
C_P_ANG_START = 1 / 1000 * math.pi
C_FALL_ANG = 52.5 / 100 * math.pi
class Pendulum:
def __init__(self, theta, length, dx, mass, color):
@ -26,16 +27,17 @@ class Pendulum:
self.vector = None # Vector2 object
self.theta = theta # Angle in radians
self.a_ang = 0 # Angular acceleration
self.v_ang = 0 # Angular velocity
self.index = 0
self.theta = [theta] # Angle in radians
self.a_ang = [0] # Angular acceleration
self.v_ang = [0] # Angular velocity
self.dx = dx # Horizontal displacement of "cart" from center
self.a_cart = 0 # Acceleration of cart
self.v_cart = 0 # Velocity of cart
self.s_cart = 0 # Displacement of cart [m]
self.a_cart = [0] # Acceleration of cart
self.v_cart = [0] # Velocity of cart
self.s_cart = [0] # Displacement of cart [m]
self.r_factor = 0.50 # Damping factor
# self.r_factor = 0.50 # Damping factor
self.length = length # Length of pendulum
self.mass = mass # Mass of pendulum for physics
@ -47,47 +49,92 @@ class Pendulum:
def update(self, dt):
self.vector = Vector2.from_polar(
((self.length * C_MTPRATIO), math.degrees(self.theta + (1.5 * math.pi)))
((self.length * C_MTPRATIO), math.degrees(self.theta[self.index] + (1.5 * math.pi)))
if abs(self.theta) == C_FALL_ANG:
if abs(self.theta[self.index]) == C_FALL_ANG:
self.fallen = True
def doMath(self, dt):
# Angle
ang_term1 = self.a_cart * math.cos(self.theta)
ang_term2 = self.v_cart * math.sin(self.theta)
ang_term3 = self.v_cart * self.v_ang * math.sin(self.theta)
ang_term4 = C_GRAVITY * math.sin(self.theta)
### ANGLE ###
ang_term1 = self.a_cart[self.index] * math.cos(self.theta[self.index])
ang_term2 = self.v_cart[self.index] * math.sin(self.theta[self.index])
ang_term3 = (
self.v_cart[self.index] # Previous cart velocity
* self.v_ang[self.index] # previous angle velocity
* math.sin(self.theta[self.index]) # Sin previous angle
ang_term4 = C_GRAVITY * math.sin(self.theta[self.index])
self.a_ang = ((ang_term1 - ang_term2 + ang_term3 - ang_term4) / -(self.length)) - ((self.r_factor / 2) * self.v_ang) # Angular acceleration
self.v_ang = self.a_ang * (dt / 1000) + self.v_ang # Integrate acceleration to get velocity
self.theta = self.v_ang * (dt / 1000) + self.theta # Angular displacement
# Angular acceleration
(ang_term1 - ang_term2 + ang_term3 - ang_term4) / -(self.length)
# Integrate acceleration to get velocity
self.a_ang[self.index + 1] * (dt / 1000)
+ self.v_ang[self.index] # Previous velocity
# Angular displacement
self.v_ang[self.index + 1] * (dt / 1000)
+ self.theta[self.index] # Previous angle
# Limit fall of pendulum
self.theta = self.clamp(self.theta, -C_FALL_ANG, C_FALL_ANG)
self.theta[self.index + 1] = self.clamp(
self.theta[self.index + 1], -C_FALL_ANG, C_FALL_ANG
# Cart pos
cart_term1 = self.mass * self.length * self.a_ang * math.cos(self.theta)
cart_term2 = self.mass * self.length * self.v_ang * math.sin(self.theta)
### CART ###
cart_term1 = (
self.mass # Mass
* self.length # Length
* self.a_ang[self.index + 1] # Current angle acceleration
* math.cos(self.theta[self.index + 1]) # Current angle
cart_term2 = (
self.mass # Mass
* self.length # Length
* self.v_ang[self.index + 1] # Current angle velocity
* math.sin(self.theta[self.index + 1]) # Current angle
self.a_cart = (-cart_term1 + cart_term2) / (2 * self.mass) - (self.r_factor * self.v_cart) # Cart acceleration
self.v_cart = self.a_cart * (dt / 1000) + self.v_cart # Integrate acceleration to get velocity
self.s_cart = (self.v_cart * (dt / 1000) + self.s_cart) # Cart displacement
self.dx = self.s_cart * C_MTPRATIO # Convert to pixels
# Cart acceleration
self.a_cart.append((-cart_term1 + cart_term2) / (2 * self.mass))
# Integrate acceleration to get velocity
self.a_cart[self.index + 1] * (dt / 1000)
+ self.v_cart[self.index] # Previous velocity
# Cart displacement
self.v_cart[self.index + 1] * (dt / 1000)
+ self.s_cart[self.index] # Previous displacement
self.dx = self.s_cart[self.index + 1] * C_MTPRATIO # Convert to pixels
# Update index
self.index += 1
def clamp(self, n, minn, maxn):
return max(min(maxn, n), minn)
def reset(self):
self.a_ang = 0
self.v_ang = 0
self.dx = 0
self.theta = random.choice([1, -1]) * C_P_ANG_START
self.index = 0
self.a_cart = 0
self.v_cart = 0
self.s_cart = 0
self.a_ang = [0]
self.v_ang = [0]
self.dx = [0]
self.theta = [random.choice([1, -1]) * C_P_ANG_START]
self.a_cart = [0]
self.v_cart = [0]
self.s_cart = [0]
self.fallen = False

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ from pygame.math import Vector2
import math
from pendulum import Pendulum
from uiHelpers import gridDark, gridLight
# pygame setup
@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1280, 720))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
running = True
update = True
pole = Vector2(screen.get_rect().center) # center of screen
# Text setup
font_g = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 128)
@ -23,6 +25,23 @@ def plotMeta(val, desc):
screen.blit(font_m.render(f"{desc} = {val}", True, "black"), (15, plot_y))
plot_y += 15
def plotGrid(dist, Xoff=0, Yoff=0):
cXoff = pole.x % dist
cYoff = pole.y % dist
for i in range(0, 1280, dist):
pygame.draw.line(screen, gridLight, (i + Xoff + cXoff, 0), (i + Xoff + cXoff, 720), 1)
pygame.draw.line(screen, gridLight, (0, i + Yoff + cYoff), (1280, i + Yoff + cYoff), 1)
pygame.draw.line(screen, gridDark, (pole.x + Xoff, 0), (pole.x + Xoff, 720), 1)
pygame.draw.line(screen, gridDark, (0, pole.y + Yoff), (1280, pole.y + Yoff), 1)
def plotCenteredText(font, text = "", colour = "black", y = 0):
textObj = font.render(text, True, colour)
text_rect = textObj.get_rect(center=(1280/2, 720/2 - y))
screen.blit(textObj, text_rect)
# Pendulum setup
# Start angle in radians, length, mass, color
pendulum = Pendulum(0, 2, 0, 0.25, "red")
@ -30,7 +49,7 @@ pendulum.reset()
dt = 1 # delta time
# Gametime
rt = 10 # run time
rt = 10 # run time
highscore = 0
while running:
@ -51,26 +70,28 @@ while running:
update = True
# fill the screen with a color to wipe away anything from last frame
pole = Vector2(screen.get_rect().center) # center of screen
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if keys[pygame.K_LEFT]:
pendulum.a_cart -= 4
if keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]:
pendulum.a_cart += 4
if keys[pygame.K_LEFT] or keys[pygame.K_a]:
pendulum.a_cart[pendulum.index] -= 4
if keys[pygame.K_RIGHT] or keys[pygame.K_d]:
pendulum.a_cart[pendulum.index] += 4
# Draw x axis
plotGrid(50, 0, 15)
# Update pendulum
if not pendulum.fallen:
if update:
rt += dt
screen.blit(font_g.render("WASTED", True, "red"), (pole.x - 200, pole.y - 120))
screen.blit(font_m.render("Press space to restart", True, "black"), (pole.x - 70, pole.y - 40))
# ol = pygame.Surface(screen.get_size())
# screen.fill((0, 0, 0, 255))
plotCenteredText(font_g, "WASTED", "red", 100)
plotCenteredText(font_m, "Press space to restart", "black", 60)
plotCenteredText(font_m, "Press G to view nerd graphs", "black", 45)
if rt > highscore:
highscore = rt
@ -81,11 +102,11 @@ while running:
screen.blit(font_m.render("Arne van Iterson, 2023", True, "black"), (1150, 700))
plot_y = 40
plotMeta(pendulum.theta, "Theta")
plotMeta(pendulum.a_ang, "Angular acceleration")
plotMeta(pendulum.theta[pendulum.index], "Theta")
plotMeta(pendulum.a_ang[pendulum.index], "Angular acceleration")
plotMeta(pendulum.dx, "dx")
plotMeta(pendulum.a_cart, "Cart acceleration")
plotMeta(pendulum.a_cart[pendulum.index], "Cart acceleration")
plotMeta(dt, "Frame time")
plotMeta(1000 / dt, "FPS")
@ -99,9 +120,6 @@ while running:
pygame.draw.line(screen, pendulum.color, pole + dx, pole + pendulum.vector + dx, 3), "black", pole + dx, 15, 3)
# Draw x axis
pygame.draw.line(screen, "black", (0, pole.y + 15), (1280, pole.y + 15), 1)
dt = clock.tick(60) # limits FPS to 120

src/sim/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
import pygame
gridLight = pygame.Color(C_GRID_L_VALUE,C_GRID_L_VALUE,C_GRID_L_VALUE)